Coronavirus outbreak has caused thousands of death worldwide and millions of people are infected with this deadly virus. This pandemic has createda big havoc in day to day life andhas disturbed all the routines, be it about work, about health, or about travel.

Many countries are badly hit by this Coronavirus including China, Italy, America, Spain, Iran and more.Currently, the virus outbreak has spread its wings in India and is rising at its peak. It has been advised by Indian Government to stay home and not to go out so that the spread of virus gets halted. You would be already taking important precautions such as washing your hands frequently or using sanitizer, keeping yourself isolated and also maintaining social distancing. It’s now difficult to shun the noise and notifications as we consider the threat of this global pandemic.

All this is causing a fear and stress about uncertainty for everyone which needs to be overcome.It has been observed that the virus is deadly primarily for older age people and kids so they are at more risk.   However, during such situations, meditation, yoga,pranayama, Ayurveda, and natural healing are very helpful for mental as well as physical support. This will aid to get a handle on fortifying your minds and bodies with which you can ward off many symptoms of COVID-19 disease. All these practices will help you in maintaining low stress levels and healthy immune system.

How you can take help of yoga during such situations?

As you can’t go out for your regular yoga classes, it could be a good idea to look for the virtual yoga class.Yoga poses for managing stress, yoga for boosting immunity and yoga for better sleep are the most significant to concentrate with respect to the current situation of COVID-19 outbreak. So, let’s get into the details of these poses.

Yoga for Reducing Stress:Yogabrings mind, body and soul in the harmony to bring you in the stress-free and balanced state. There are many yoga poses that can be done to manage stress as mentioned below. If you are a beginner, it is always better to take an expert advice before starting.

  1. Child’s Pose (Balasana): As the name suggests, this pose looks like a small baby or child. You have to kneel on Yoga mat keeping your knees together and letting your buttocks rest on your heels. After this, hinge forward so that your chest touches to your thighs, forehead touches the mat and both of your hands rest on the floor being straight. You can maintain the pose for 30 sec or 1 min with regular breathing and for 3 to 4 repetitions. This is the most relaxing and revitalizing yoga pose to unwind your mind and body. A resting posture calms the mind to ease the stress. It is also beneficial for a healthy nervous and lymphatic system. 
  1. Easy Pose (Sukhasana): In thisyoga posture, you have to just sit straight, and concentrate on your breath. You can do this asana for 1 min. This yoga pose not only relaxes your mind but also eases your mental and physical fatigue. Being an easy to do, you shouldn’t miss this yoga pose to cure anxiety and stress.
  2. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana): First, stand straight (arms resting on side) with your feet closed.Lift your hands above your head while inhaling and bend your upper body forward while exhaling. Keep both the hands on the ground andyour legs straight. Breathe normally and remain in this pose for 30 seconds then get to the first position i.e. stand straight. You can do around 5 to 10 repetitions of this yoga pose for maximum health benefits.In addition to alleviate stress, Uttanasana also enhances your flexibility, improves blood flow and helps with weight loss.
  3. Cat Pose(Marjaryasana):Bring your hands and legs on the floor in such a way that your wrists are directly under shoulders and knees are directly under hips. While exhaling draw your belly to the spine, forming a curve that directs towards ceiling. Turn your head down towards floor without the contact of chest and chin. Retain this pose for 30 sec. You can repeat it for 5-6 times to lessen stress levels.
  4. Down Dog Pose (AdhoMukhaSavasana): Lie down on your stomach so that your body is parallel with the floor. Press your hips up with straight elbows and knees while your toes and palms touch the floor. This leads to an inverted V shaped body which you can hold for 30 sec to 1 min and repeat it for 5-6 times. The pose also improves bone density, blood circulation, eases neck pain in addition to stress relief.

Yoga for Boosting Immunity:

  1. Bridge Pose (SetuBandhasana):To perform this pose, first lie on your back then fold knees and keep feet hip distance apart (10-12 inches) on the floor. Make sure that knees and ankles are in a straight line. Now, keep arms beside the body and palms facing down. While inhaling, lift your back off the floor slowly.Here, feel your bottom firm up, thighs parallel to each other on the floor. Keep breathing easily and maintain the pose for a minute. Exhale while gently releasing the pose.
  2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Lie on the stomach by keeping toes flat on the floor, legs close together and forehead resting on the ground. By placing hands under the shoulders where palms will be downward, keep elbows parallel and nearby to torso. While inhaling, lift your head, chest, and abdomen slowly when the navel would be on the floor. Now, pull your torso back and off the floor by taking support of your hands. Don’t overstretch. Exhale and release the pose.
  3. Plow Pose (Halasana): For this pose,lie on the back with arms beside and palms downward. Inhale and then lift your feet off the floor by using abdominal muscles. Make sureyou raise legs vertically at 90 degree angle. Breathe normally. Support your hips and back with hands and lift them off the ground. Now, sweep your legs in a 180 degree angle over your head, till toes touch the floor. Back should be perpendicular to the floor. Hold the pose for a minute while feeling relaxed.
  4. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana):Lie on thestomachwith feet hip-width apart and arms by the side of body.Now, bend knees and hold ankles. Take a breath in, lift your chest off the ground, tweak legs up and back. Focus on your breath and get stable. After few seconds, release the pose while exhaling.

You can also try Fish Pose (Matsyasana),Child Pose (Shishuasana),or Plank Pose to power up your immune system.

Yoga Poses for Better Sleep:

  1. Reclining Bound Angle Pose (SuptaBaddhaKonasana): For this pose,lie flat on your back and then bring the soles of your feet together where the legs are bent. Keep a pillow under thighs and if requiredkeep behind the head also.Place hands on stomach, close eyes,relax jaws, and bring awareness. Feel the rise and fall of your torso with each slow and deep breath in and out.
  2. Legs-up-the-wall pose (ViparitaKarani):Here, you should lie down straight on your back. Now, lift one leg up, followed by the next, and let your feet rest on the wall.Lengthen the arms along the sides and palms facing upward. Now close your eyes and keep taking deep breaths while you will be relaxing into the pose. You can stay in the pose as long as you comfortably can.

One of the excellent poses to get rid of tired legs and feet. It also aids inimproving blood supply to the lymphatic system and brain, thereby calming the mind and relieving it of a mild headache. 

  1. Supported Half Frog Pose (ArdhaBhekasana): Lie on your belly with pillows under the belly. Lengthen one leg out to the side and turn it at a 90-degree angle with your kneeand hip level. Bring the opposite leg to straighten and extend behind you. Take your head to turn and rest in the direction of your bent leg. Relax your eyes,belly and jaw. Focus your attention on the nostrils and relish the sensation of breath flowing in and out.
  2. Supported Reclining Twist: For this pose,lie flat on your back. Bend both legs at a 90-degree angle and turn them to the right. Slide one or two pillows between your thighswith knees stacked and hips level. Outspread your arms straight at shoulder level and turn your head to the left. Closeyour eyes and keep jaw and belly relaxed to focus on feeling the breath flow.

Besides these yoga poses, lying down in Corpse pose (Shavasana), Butterfly pose, Child pose, Cat stretch and doing Yoga Nidra after meals help relax the body.

Moreover, Deep Breathing, Pranayama, and restorative yoga poses does wonder to calm your mind and body.

Natural ways for strengthening your immune system during such pandemic conditions:

  1. Drink herbal tea: Tulsi is one of the most admired herbs in Ayurveda which can reduce headache, fever and stress. It also provides good oxygen to the body hence aids in clearing lungs. So, it is a good idea to drink tulsi tea to give a must needed boost to your immunity.
  2. Gargle with warm saltwater: Gargling with warm saltwater will help prevent your sickness by restricting the entry of bacteria and viruses into your bloodstream. This one is the best preventive measure for sickness.
  3. Get enough good night sleep: Maintaining a cycle of sleep and alertness or we can say ‘circadian clock’ is very essential to make your immune system strong. If your smartphone, laptop or TV is hindering your sleep, get serious about keeping those away on time. You can also look for the yoga poses that will help in getting good sleep.

Take help of any of the above mentioned tips to overcome the fear of COVID-19. Be strong, be safe!

Many of you are already aware about the health benefits of regular yoga practice. Some people do it as a remedy for health issues such as reducing weight, controlling stress, managing heart problems, or alleviating pains in certain body parts. Whereas some people do it to stay fit, to live disease free, happy, and healthy lifestyle. In the same way, if we make our kids do yoga, they will also gain numerous benefits of yoga and that to from their childhood itself. Regular yoga practice or we can say yogic lifestyle will give them long-lasting health benefits for the entire life. When the life is becoming more and more stressful for school going kids due to school pressures, busy parents, video games, malling or competitive sports, yoga will give them a power to face life’s challenges quite easily. It is been recommended that kids can perform yoga from the age of five and above. How Yoga benefits to kids?
  • With yoga, kids learn techniques of relaxation, self-health, and inner fulfilment.
  • It develops awareness of mind, body, and breath.
  • Yoga promotes self-esteem with a physical activity that is non-competitive.
  • It boosts flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness in children.
  • Improvement in their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation.
  • Yoga helps to bump up imagination and creativity in kids.
  • Boosts energy levels and provides deep relaxation while relieving mental and physical fatigue.
  • Yoga helps conquer negative emotions like jealousy, fear and anger.
  • Decreases obsession with TV, smartphones, and other electronic devices.
  • Meditation and breathing exercises improve lung capacity as well as help them deal with fluctuating emotions.
  • More importantly, yoga also encourages healthy food habits by keeping away junk food addiction.
When kids are doing yoga, they get to exercise, play, and connect more deeply with the inner self, which aids in developing an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds them. Ways to introduce kids to yoga: Yoga for children is somewhat different than yoga for adults and that’s why you must know the ways to get your kids into yoga.
  1. First important thing is you have to be a great example for them. That means, if you do yoga in front of or around them, they will certainly try to mimic you. Go with the poses which will be kind of fun for them, e.g. tree pose or downward-facing dog. Remember to not to force kids for doing yoga as it may have opposite effect. Play a role of a facilitator rather than a teacher for kids.
  2. Secondly, try to develop or maintain a sense of curiosity by letting them ask and answer their own questions so that they think for themselves. When there comes two different answers from two different kids, they will accept that there is more than one way to do or consider things. This makes them open-minded, empowered and also encourages more harmonious relationships with siblings and classmates.
  3. Parents should not enforce their own beliefs on kids and they should have healthy interaction with kids. If you communicate with kids by attaching your own agenda, they feel pressurised. So, allow them to find themselves and discover the world around them. Provide them with a loving, receptive, and creative environment to unearth their own truths.
What are the yoga poses that should be performed by kids?
  • Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand pose): This pose nourishes the brain by improving blood flow. It also strengthens arms and legs while increasing spine flexibility.
  • Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose): It improves stamina and balance in the body.
  • Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): This one is the easiest and enjoyable for children. It tones arms and legs, strengthens the back and improves mind-body balance.
  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation): It calms the nervous system and aids in overcoming stage fear. It strengthens the muscles of the back, arms, legs and hips.
  • Dhanurasana (Bow Pose): This pose strengthens back muscles and increases flexibility. It aids in alleviating stress and fatigue.
  • Shavasana (Corpse Pose): It refreshes the mind and body. More importantly, it improves concentration and blood circulation which boosts the energy levels.
Besides, Dog pose, Cat stretch, Cobra pose or Bhujangasana gives you more opportunity to engage their minds to deepen their awareness. Kids quickly learn these kid-friendly yoga poses and develop interest into yoga ritual. You can either make your kids perform yoga at your home or join yoga classes for kids. There are many yoga academies that offer Kid’s yoga classes. Chaitanya Wellness Yoga Academy is one of the renowned yoga academies in Bangalore which offers best in class yoga training to adults and kids. Introducing your kids to yoga at an early age can assist them learn healthy lifestyle habits and set the base for a fit future. So, get your kids into yoga and raise a happy child!

In decades before, kids used to play in sand, stones and other outdoor activities during their leisure time but nowadays all category children are spending time in TV, mobile, tablet, laptop, play station, iPod. This leads to increased vision problems in early age. If you take adults, they are spending 60% of the time in mobile phone, TV, tablet and laptops not in the leisure time, they actually merge with this type of gadgets and that become essential now a days. This causes more stress to the eyes and its parts. Your digitally strained eyes will thank you for these simple yoga exercises. Many of the yogic exercises are aimed at improving the functioning of specific organs of the body. Yoga provides a series of eye exercises that improve the functioning of the eyes and helps to overcome various eye related problems such as short sightedness and long sightedness. Yoga techniques for the eyes help to improve various disorders related to defects in the eye muscles such as myopia and Hypermetropia. Here we have some list of simple exercises to enhance your sight. PALMING:
  • Sit quietly with eyes closed and take some deep breaths to relax yourself
  • Rub the palms of your hands vigorously until they become warm and place the palms over your eye lids.
  • Feel the warmth of the palms being transferred from onto the eyes and eye muscles relaxing.
  • Stay in this position until the heat from the hands has been completely absorbed by the eyes.
  • Keeping the eyes closed, lower the hands.
  • Once again rub the palms and repeat the process at least three times.
  • Sit comfortably and open your eyes.
  • Blink for 10 times very quickly.
  • Close your eyes and relax for 20 seconds. Concentrate on your breath.
  • Repeat this about 5 times.
  • Sit straight.
  • Make yourself comfortable with spine straight.
  • Keep your hands on your lap.
  • Rotate your eyes clockwise and anti-clockwise direction 5-10 minutes on each side.
  • Do not move your head.
Up down movement:
  • Stand straight in a flat floor or over a yoga mat.
  • Look up at the ceiling then shift your gaze to the floor and then look up again.
  • Do it 10 times without blinking.
  • Afterwards close your eyes and gently press them with your palms.
Bharmari pranayama:
  • Sit in a cross legged position.
  • Close your eyes and ears by lightly pressing the thumbs on them.
  • Place your index fingers in between your eyebrows, ring and little fingers at the base of nostrils.
  • Focus your attention in the centre of your eyebrows.
  • Take a deep breath through the nose, hold the breath for 2-3 seconds then slowly exhale through the nose while producing a humming sound. Your mouth should be closed.
  • Repeat 5 times.
  • Relax and look up.
  • Rotate your eyes in clockwise direction.
  • Do slow, make sure you reach all the corners.
  • You can visualize a flying ball circling around your face.
  • Do this for one minute and change to anti-clockwise direction.
  • Hold something with small letters (a newspaper or book) at your reading distance.
  • Cover one of your eyes with your hand
  • Keep the covered eye open to avoid fatigue
  • Trace the shape of any small letter for 2 or 3 seconds.
  • Look up from the book and find something that is at least 20 feet away.
  • Trace its shape for another two or three seconds (do not attempt to squint. Just relax your eyes)
  • Repeat steps 4 to 6.
  • Once five minutes is up, cover the other eye and repeat the whole cycle for 5 minutes again.
“SIMPLE EFFORTS OFTEN LEADS TO GREAT RESULTS” Yoga techniques help to alleviate various disorders related to defects in the eye muscles such as myopia and Hypermetropia. Practicing these regularly for a few months can go a long way in facilitating the normal functioning of our eyes.

“JALA” means water and NETI means “to guide”. JALA NETI means guiding water through the nasal passages to cleanse them. A natural technique used by the yogis to stay disease free and most importantly to use the breath well for their yogic practices without any blocks. It is all about nasal hygiene just like brushing teeth is about dental hygiene. It is a technique used to clean the sinuses. The sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities is about an inch across. Our cheekbones hold maxillary sinuses.  The sinus cavities get clogged with impurities which may cause infections and other problems. Nasal hygiene is very important as it is linked to many conditions like sinusitis, migraine, allergies and asthma. This has to be done in daily routine.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="15743" img_size="large"][vc_column_text]
  • Fill the NETI POT with warm water of a temperature suitable for pouring in the nose.
  • Mix in the salt to the proportion of one – level teaspoon for half a liter of water. Mix the salt thoroughly. Taste the water and spit- adjust if not correct. Fully mix and dissolve the salt.
  • Place the neti cone of the neti pot into the right nostril, sealing it to the nostril with a few twists and slight pressure. Try to point out the spout straight up in line with the nasal passage so as to block the tip of the nozzle by the inside of the nose. Open your mouth and breathe gently through the mouth. Do not sniff, swallow, laugh, talk or have any movement of air through the nose while water is flowing through.
  • Before changing sides, blow out gently through both nostrils to clear water and mucus from the nose. It is important that you do not blow hard at this point or you will send water up into the ear tubes and sinuses. All that needed is a couple of slow, soft blows out into the sink to remove the water in the nose.
  • Repeat the steps as above, but with the nose cone entering from the nostril and the flow of water going left to right. After the pot runs dry, stand up, blow out gently through both nostrils and then prepare to dry out the nose.
  • If after doing the above step is still a mucus blockage, the whole process may be repeated several times until it clears. If you regularly need to do several pots to effectively clear nasal mucus, it is easiest to mix several liters of solution in a bowl beforehand.
  • Always do half a part right to left, then half a pot left to right. Repeating this sequence is better than doing on whole pot in each direction, and taking a break to refill in between sides it is also gives the mucus a better chance to dissolve and exit more quickly.
  • It removes all the dirt and bacteria filled mucus from within the nose.
  • It helps in draining the sinus cavities.
  • It is beneficial for illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis as it reduces the tendency for mouth breathing by freeing the nostrils of mucus.
  • It cools and soothes the brain by drawing out excessive heat and is therefore beneficial for headaches, migraine, epilepsy, depression and general mental tension.
  • It is benefit for the problems associated with the eyes. It helps flush the tear ducts encouraging clearer vision and gives a sparkle to the eyes.
  • It can be beneficial for certain types of disorders such as middle ear infections, glue ear, tinitis.
  • Neti improves sensitivity of the olfactory nerves helping to restore the lost sense of smell, and thereby benefits the relationship with taste and the digestive processes.
  • It helps to stimulate the better powers of visualization and concentration gives a feeling of lightness and clarity to the mind.
  • Neti is excellent for those trying who try to quit smoking.
  • Neti affects the psychic centre known as Ajna chakra which helps in awakening higher sates of meditation.
The Jal Neti cannot be performed when suffering from chronic bleeding of the nose, any type of nose infection. The water should not be too hot or too cold.


Detoxifying body is very important because when you eliminate the foreign particles you will be half healthy. This JAL NETI is an important method to protect our body, so try to include this in your daily routine to have healthy life.

(to be continued........) See more stories of our Pre- Natal students
Deepti Kharbandha
Childbirth, also known as the rebirth of the woman; that's not just folklore. A woman's body undergoes so much in this process that it's hard to comprehend how nature has designed this process to be self guided. However, given the sedentary lifestyle, our questionable eating habits and rising stress levels; normal active pregnancy and normal vaginal birth (NVB) is not a nature's norm anymore but a wishful miracle for most. Hence, Prenatal Yoga becomes an important element in this beautiful yet, complex journey to motherhood.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="15739" img_size="500x500"][vc_column_text]For ladies proficient in Yoga, to those who have never worked out in their life, this practice is for all. It focuses on building stamina, helps focus on breathing and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Unfortunately not many doctors in India stress on the importance of these vital learnings. For a first time mother, the value of these exercises is mostly learnt during delivery or post partum, which is ironic. The invaluable importance of breathing cannot be stressed enough on. While, we feel that breathing is the most natural phenomenon; breathing RIGHT is something we almost always forget when under physical strain. This single most vital activity can decide the endurance of labour for a lady! Prenatal Yoga focuses on teaching the practice of right breathing while the lady moves swiftly through specially designed exercises. These exercises help build strength of upper body, thighs, pelvis and most importantly practising mental peace. Why upper body you may wonder ? Ask a lady who comes out of a normal vaginal delivery and she will tell you what it takes to hold yourself up while a team of doctors ask you to push an entire human out of you! Why thighs and pelvis? We know that this region takes the maximum beating during a childbirth. However it's unbelievable how many ladies continue living with leaking bladders and assume it to be a way of life as a mother! Simple Kegel exercises help in recovering from birth trauma. These basic exercises single handed help return the strength and form of vaginal and bladder muscles! Why mental stamina? No matter what you rehearse, read or practice. It finally comes down to believing that you can do it! As scary as NVB may seem, half the work is done by a calm and happy mind which is conditioned with meditation and yoga. I had a regular, stressful software job and medical history of PCOD since several years which always kept me in the threat of infertility. Irregular periods and lifestyle stress contributed to my inability to conceive till the age of 32. However I had always been an active person. I practised yoga, aerobics, walked, ate healthy and meditated too. My pregnancy happened by chance and brought with it 20 weeks of nerve wracking nausea reducing my weight by four kgs. But from week 21, I joined Prenatal Yoga At Chaitanya wellness and continued till by 38th week. My son was born with NVB at a healthy weight of 3.11 Kgs.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner content_placement="middle"][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]
I cannot say enough about prenatal yoga and the extreme benefits. I started doing prenatal yoga at the middle of my second trimester, and it is easy! I used to have cramping and swelling in my leg but yoga helped me a lot in getting relief . This is really exciting because the cramping would get so bad I wondered if I would be able to walk.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="15740" img_size="500x500"][vc_column_text]Also, I find the breathing techniques very helpful at the time of labour. This is my first child, and I plan to have a natural birth. I have been told that labor is faster when mom has practiced yoga due to stronger "pushing" muscles and I found this true after my baby is born through normal delivery.I would like to thank Shreya for pushing me so much towards yoga. I will strongly suggest adding prenatal yoga to all the things you do for the health of your baby. It's like prenatal vitamins, but also has a calming effect:) Thanks to all our lovely students who send us their precious and valuable stories. Surely these stories really help to other ladies too :)


Pregnancy is a beautiful journey with little physical, emotional inconvenience. To overcome that yoga gives its hands to travel along with you for making your transformation successful. Mother and baby will have an easy, comfortable, healthy pregnancy and labor.

Motherhood may be one of the most satisfying experiences that a woman can ask for, but it can also be exceedingly difficult to cope with pregnancy and childbirth. Expectant mothers have to deal with a variety of unpleasant pregnancy symptoms, from nausea and vomiting, to stomach cramps and backaches. Prenatal yoga is a wonderful solution for expecting women as it helps prepare your body and mind for childbirth, while also helping you cope with some of those annoying symptoms. It follows a multifaceted approach to exercise, and if practiced appropriately is completely safe. Sign up for a prenatal yoga class with us and you will be surprised at how much easier pregnancy can be. In this Blog we are not adding any benefits of prenatal yoga we are adding few stories of our students who took prenatal classes from us. Read there stories, it helps to guide you as well as motivate you to being active and healthy in your pregnancy period.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner content_placement="middle"][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]
Mamta Kumari
I have always been in touch of exercise or work out and was worried that will get out of touch with it during pregnancy..... But in my 14th week of pregnancy I joined the Chaitanya wellness yoga studio for prenatal classes and I must say that this was the best gift I could have given to myself during my pregnancy.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="15716" img_size="500x500"][vc_column_text]The instructor Ms Shreya is very experienced and soft spoken so never hesitated to clear my doubts as it was my first pregnancy. Every asanas she explains very nicely with its benefits. My pregnancy days were very hectic but everyday I used to eagerly wait for evening to rush to the classes where I could spend time with myself and felt so relaxed. That one hour I spent there everyday was the most pleasant and calming. I never felt any back pain or stiffness during pregnancy. Apart from the class her tips, advices and guidance have been immensely helpful to prepare myself for the delivery. So I would recommend Chaitanya prenatal classes for all expecting mothers or otherwise too for everyone.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]
I made up my mind that I didn't want a caesarian delivery, as soon as I got pregnant. At that time, my knowledge was limited about the various other factors that lead to caesarian or normal delivery. So I set out walking, climbing stairs and all that I could think of to keep me active. But then when I learnt of prenatal yoga, I wanted to try it out. A bout of cold and a nasty cough made sure that I could not set out on yoga until I was way into my 6th month. But still I decided to give it a try and found Chaitanya wellness yoga centre nearby. It was the right time too, because swollen feet and general tiredness of the last trimester had started to creep in by then. All the great ideas about keeping myself active needed more motivation than I could muster. Prenatal yoga helped me unwind after a long day at work, it helped me calm down and concentrate on my baby. I could connect with her and feel a great peace by the time I finished a session. In the final months especially, when moving along with a big belly was tiresome, yoga kept me fit and active. I went till the end, and it was the best decision I made. Everyone has a general fear as the due date approaches, yoga helped me stay calm and peaceful. I would recommend it to every pregnant lady for sure.
At 85 kgs. Life is not easy. People think of you as fat, slow, weak,ugly and generally boring. I felt  I was all of that and then   I got pregnant! Having recently joined a Health care organization, many doors were opened for me to understand human body , its function and reaction to pregnancy . I made up my mind to become healthy not just for myself but for my baby and our future. During the second month of my pregnancy I signed up for yoga. Shreya was had a year a half old daughter then, was the perfect teacher. A teacher who could answer all my questions , understand my health issues even when I did not tell her. I knew i was in safe hands from day 1! All the pre natal yoga i did with her in her studio thrice a day made me relaxed, upbeat and thin! By the end of my 2 nd trimister i had lost 12 KGs although i felt great  , i was worried that my gynec may ask me to put on weight. Being surrounded only by positive people like my husband, shreya and colleagues . I never had encountered all the granny talk and myths that surround pregnancy . My gynac was happy with the weightloss as now my body was ready to make my baby put on weight! . My pregnancy was a dream! A text book example! Perfect ! Delivery was something I was worried about and shreya would always pep me up by telling me what to expect! The breathing techniques i have learnt and  followed from shreya  in the last 4-5 months of my pregnancy prepared me physically and mentally to deliver a normal healthy baby! Today my son is 15 months old! Altought I am 72 Kgs right now, Mother to a 15 month old happy and healthy baby, my heart aches that i cannot get back to yoga with shreya right away, but i know i will soon! Shreya's yoga worked like magic with me. I miss working out with her. If there is anyone who wants a fuss free dream text book like clean pregnancy and delivery, you need a friend and mentor like Shreya and they are not easy to find!

Few more stories are yet to come. Keep stay with us.


YOGA ASANAS BEFORE SLEEP After 8-10 hours of office work, household duties and studying we come at last to our bed. A relaxation time is our sleep time. May be some of them will have emotional stress, work stress, studies stress or any other type of problems which may interrupt your sleep or you will got sleep. For that and also to improve sleep we have certain asanas to do before going to bed. Let us see what are they.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]
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  • Stand tall with your feet straight feet in front of you, heels firmly on the floor, and hands at your hips.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale
  • Slowly bend forward from your hips. Move your torso down so your hands meet your feet; make sure there’s open space between your torso and your knees.
  • Keep your knees straight as possible and bring your palms or finger tips to the floor in front of or on the sides of your feet. If you are unable to touch your feet, cross your forearms and hold opposite elbows with your hands.
  • Count at least 6 breaths. As you inhale, slightly lift your torso, and as you exhale, release your body deeper into forward bend, letting your head and neck hang.
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  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feel flat
  • Start rolling your knees towards the right side of your body with your left side and press down your knees with your right hand to deepen the stretch.
  • Hold this position and count six breaths, gently inhaling and exhaling.
  • Repeat sequence on the left side of your body.
  • Sit facing a wall with your butt about 6 inches away from it.
  • Lie back and extend your legs up the wall.
  • If this is too intense a stretch for your hamstrings, side your butt farther away from the wall.
  • If it’s not enough, scoot closer.
  • Let your arms rest by your sides, palms facing up and breathe gently, feeling the stretch in the backs of your legs.
  • Sit up comfortably on your heels.
  • Roll your torso forward, bringing your forehead to rest on the bed in front of you.
  • Lower your chest as close to your knees as you comfortably can, extending your arms in front of you.
  • Hold the pose and breathe.
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  • Sit on the floor, bend both knees and bring your feet together.
  • Using your hands, open your feet up like a book, pressing your knees toward the floor with your elbows.
  • Stay here for 10 breaths.
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  • Lie on your back, hug knees in to chest.
  • Cross your ankles and wrap both arms around your shins with clasped hands.
  • Inhale and rock your body up to sit; exhale as you roll back.
  • Continue for 1 minute, then roll back, extend arms and legs, and drift off to sleep.
"SLEEP CALM AND DREAM ON” To get rid of all worries you should have a best sleep. To have that you should try those asanas which will give you a calm mind, boost your nervous system and stimulates your brain for good sleep. Hope you will try and enjoy it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

The beauty of yoga lies in its ability to clear mind, tone, your body and increase your flexibility. A Calorie is a unit of energy. In everyday language and nutrition, Calorie refers to energy consumption through eating, drinking and energy used through physical activity. HOW YOGA DIFFER FROM EXERCISE?  Exercises are aimed at building your muscles and physical strength and endurance. Yoga asanas is not building off muscles, but harmonizing the body, breath and mind, thereby contributing the overall health of individual. Exercises can buildup toxins in the body, while yoga asanas help in eliminating toxins. Exercises build body muscles but yoga enhance the overall being of the individual such as physical, mental, spiritual. HOW YOGA BURN CALORIES? Calories expenditure in yoga is said to be anywhere from approximately 100-200 calories per hour, depending on the person, and the practice. In Yoga, calorie burn depends on the style of yoga you are doing, level at which the class is being taught, the length of the class and your own level of intensity. It also depends on individual characteristics such as body type; gender, size and age all come into play. CALORIES BURNT IN VINYASA FLOW (POWER YOGA): The intensity of the flow influences the calorie burn. A slow flowing class is technically defined as Vinyasa, a usual Vinyasa class begins slowly with a few seated postures and breathe work and then builds to more intense postures that burn the most calories. Then wind down to longer holds of poses such as pigeon or seated forward fold, finally practice ends with 5 minutes in Savasana to steady the mind and central nervous system. A 130 pound person burns about 515 calories during 60 minute of Vinyasa. Average 550 calories for an hour long Vinyasa class. CALORIES BURNT IN SIVANANDA STYLE: Sivananda style yoga is the gentle for of yoga with certain asanas. It focuses more on breathing and becoming aware of body. This is a low to moderate calorie burn yoga. The important feature is to rely on continual movement. The average calorie burn is 175 calories per hour. It burns about 189 calories per hour for a 150 pound woman. CALORIES BURNT IN ASANA, PRANAYAMA, AND MEDITATION (APM): Asanas are designed to promote, a state of mental and physical well-being. Doing 1 hour of an yoga session can burn around 100 to 450 calories, depending up on the type of yoga, how well it is performed and the person who is performing it. Pranayama is a set of breathing techniques under yoga is the best way to gain the spiritual connection with our body. There are different types of breathing techniques such as Bhastrika pranayama-1k Cal/2 minutes, Kapalbhati kcal/7 minutes, Anulom volom 3kcal/6minutes. Meditation is train your brain to focus in the inner aspect of yourself. During 30 minutes session our brain will ask our muscles to stay perfectly still in a controlled pose and brain control your breathing, pulse, thoughts and muscles take energy. Hence, you burn calories during this process. The calories burnt in a 15 minutes meditation session, by a person who weighs 150 pounds are approximately 18 calories.


By comparing the other forms of physical activities yoga and its associated techniques gives you the right path of living in an easy, comfortable manner. As per the saying “old is gold”, yoga is founded and developed by our ancestors to enjoy the fragrance of life by seeding them in day to day activities. So “STOP THINKING, START DOING”.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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